Emptynestloading- How to prepare for the empty nest by channeling your retirement planning mojo- Toyin Falusi Nwafor, MD


Planning for the empty nest is just like retirement planning - you work hard daily and you know you will eventually get there ( retirement / empty nest). You sacrifice and save. You invest in the physical, emotional ,psychosocial, mental and spiritual health of the children. For retirement, you put things in place so it can be enjoyable and comfortable and you plan for decades. You evaluate the lifestyle and location you want post retirement and you make plans to support that desired lifestyle.

So, as a soon to be empty nester( 5 days but who’s counting???…ME) I would like to share these tips. ...

The day will come faster than you can imagine but if you channel  the optimal retirement principles the transition will/could be smoother.

1. Have a plan/ vision and share with your spouse/partner (if you have one). It’s always critical to discuss retirement plans including timing /Vision/ where /and what you want as individuals and as a couple.  As empty nest planning begins it’s good to have similar discussions so it’s clear how the empty nest phase rolls out re ; traveling, who gets to convert  the rooms into a spa or library , is downsizing an option and if work patterns change .#haveAplan #sharetheplan

2. Start early and be consistent- just like in retirement, when time is your friend if you start saving and investing early ( #compoundinterest rocks!) start building those relationships with your children at a young age , bonding experiences they will draw on, unconditional love, values you treasure, sharing tips on life , equipping them with skills that will serve them well. It’s hard to start late and cram everything into the high school years where the returns may be minimal and even a late large infusion of time and cash may be too late. #startearly#itsgoingtohappen

3. Diversify your portfolio just like you do in the stock market.  Do things inside and outside of the home. The children and spouse are important but also take time to nurture relationships  with others with similar or varied interests such as old and new friends, family, colleagues. Keep up with a hobby or two which you will have more time for later.These relationships and activities will serve you well when the nest is empty.

    #morethanjustthekids #diversify. #hobbieshelp

4. Realize that Change is hard and the transition will be rough even when the retirement (or in this case the empty nest) is the desired outcome . Be proactive and engage  your support system during this transition phase #supportsystem

5. And lastly, Stay positive because the alternative could be worse. In retirement people may feel like they are too old/not needed or that boredom looms ahead but they got to retire . For some, the nest empties early if kids go away to high school, most empty for college, some not until much later, but whenever it does we should stay positive. Many families never had children to launch or had illness, deaths or had children who for a variety of reasons could not leave the home.

So, In all things, we should remain thankful, embrace the positives, pray for the safety of our launches , hope we have raised compassionate and  courageous young adults and wish them peace, joy , success and much love .

We’ve got this

Toyin 💪🏿

